Decorator Spider Crab


Yesterday I introduced a decorator spider crab into my tank. The LFS said they are "harmless". Today I found my Psuedo practically dead and my six line wrasse in 4 pieces... all near the decorator crab. Should I take him back? Is it just a coincidence that they were near him or did he commit the crime???


Active Member
Most all crabs are opportunistic feeders. They will kill what they can to eat. I had a "reef safe" Arrow crab (also can be called a spider crab) that killed a peppermint shrimp, several smaller hermits and snails, and injured my favorite clownfish. Didn't harm any corals, but they do get agressive.
So, I would call CSI and check for evidence as he is the top suspect at this time.
IMO, send him back to the store.