Deep Sand Bed


I have been searching everywhere for this Southdown sand and can't find it anywhere. I thought a read a post a little while back that white Silica sand will work. I don't know enough about the different sand and I don't want to kill my tank. Has anyone been successful using it?
Thanks, James


Active Member
southdown, is the same as aragonite, which you can buy from almost any pet supplier,
but silica and quartz based sands seem to be doing fine for others,
and unless you get in on something special, in ca, you will not find southdown
HTHand good luck

nm reef

Active Member
carib sea carries a full line of sands ...and natures ocean has an excellant LS...more expensive but most decent LFS's carry these products.... :cool:
Here is a link to a company that offers a good price on sand...I've never tried them but the info is interesting
<a href="" target="_blank">aragonite sand</a>
This one links to natures ocean LS...IMO one of the best LS products on the market
<a href="" target="_blank">LS</a>


NM reef -- I use Nature's Ocean to seed my sand beds. I'm looking for a base sand and this so called Southdown is none existent on the west coast. I tried to get 2 different local Home Depots to special order it, but they wouldn't. So I'm trying to find something else that will work. I can get the white Silica sand no problem. I just don't know if it will pollute my tank. So again if anyone has any experience with Silica please let me know.
Thanks, JamesP


I am useing Quicrete on 2 tanks. I have a 4-6 in DSB. I have had it set-up for 4 or 5 weeks. No problems at all. I like it so far. I live in Or. and we can't get the SD here either.


NM reef,
I just added 30 lbs of this Pure caribbean Aragonite and by the next morning, there where countless worms, miniature serpent stars, etc...
Pretty good stuff....! :D
The only thing is that now that you showed this link, I've noticed how much money the Lfs made off my purchase... Oh yea, I forgot that he had to pay the shipping... May have cost as much as the product itself....


I know I saw a post about 4 days ago about Southdown in Southern Ca., try searching for keywords southdown and CA..
Good luck!


Hey JamesP -
Just a hunch, but I would stay away from silica sand. Silica is a red-flag to me. If silica = silicates, then you could be dealing with some nasty algae.
Good luck,
matt rogers
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>