deep sea yellow gorgonian


Active Member
I know it is supposed to be in low light but will it be happier if its base is in sand or will it matter?Also, I put it in the tank about 4 hours ago and it looks like some of its "arms" are drooping. My readings are: nitrites 0, nitrates 5-10, ammonia 0, ph 8.2 and salinity 1.025.Does this mean something is wrong with it?


Active Member
I maybe wrong, but aren't they incredibly hard to car for? Dont they need perfect water conditions and lots of flow?


Active Member
This site lists them as "moderate" to care for, and yes they do need lots of flow, low light, and I'm sure very good water conditions.


Active Member
I've heard they can be hard to care for but I have also heard they are easy. From what I have heard they hardest part of caring for them is feeding. I have heard about people using a 2 litter bottle with the end cut to put over it to keep the food near it during feeding. I don't know about the base, I would imagine you just bury it in the sand but I am sure someone will know for sure. Also keeping it out of direct light is important so it doesn't get covered in algae...


I have a is very easy. I feed mine Phyto and i just fragged it not too long ago. It is recommended that you keep it in lower light if you have algae problems, the algae will cover the holes that the polyps come out. Mine also drooped for a while, but perked up...I do have it near a 145gph powerhead as they do like medium to high current.


oh and attaching it to something....Super glue gel. dry off the rock with a paper towel,<don't have to be totally dry> dry off the coral, and put on some glue...dont over do it....hold it for a minute or 2 then off to the water.