Definately a Newbie!!!


New Member
ok after being on this site for only a week I KNOW I'm way too inexperienced! The questions that I have is I see all over this site that everyone is saying whats up with the damsels......I don't understand are you not supposed to use those for cycling the tank? What does LFS mean? What is a Refugium? What does IMO mean? Sorry these might be dumb questions but I just want to learn more! :notsure:


Active Member
lol damsels are not suggested to cycle a tank because you are purposely placeing live animals in an extreamly toxic environment. it could kill the fish and puts them under a lot of pain.
LFS mean local fish store
a refugium is a safe place, usualy located outside of your tank, where you can store more live rock, types of benificial algae like macro algae, or even more sand for more bacterial growth. it also provides a place to put a beaten up, picked on, or misbehaving animal so that it or the rest of your inhabitents are out of harms way
IMO mean in my opinion
good luck!


New Member
So explain further a refugium tank is it just another tank with not much in it, for just in case???? Thanks for helping!


as they say, no question is a dumb question. the best thing to do is read all you can. i joined almost two years ago and this is only my 154th post. most of your answers are out there if you keep reading this message board.
but to answer the ones you asked:
most people do not like fish being used for cycling because it is cruel to the fish. and when the cycle is over it is very hard to get the damsels out of the tank if you don't want them.
LFS: Local Fish Store
IMO: In My Opinion
i'm not exactly sure, but i believe a refugium is a seperate tank connected to the main tank which holds the heater, filters, and stuff like that. i don't use one yet but i've read about them.
i having been in this hobby for only two years the only advice i can give is to get more than one opinion or idea on something.


Active Member
a top off is the addition of pure-filtered fresh water. when your tank water evaporates, only pure water does, not salt. so you have to add pure water or else your salinity will get too high and everything could die.
a refugium tank is another tank. it can be used to put something jsut in case, but it is mainly used for its biological filtration purposes. a refugium is not meant to be seen, so it is as dirty as can be. you have no hermits or snails in there. you let algae grow. the algae will help consume nitrates. same thing with macro algae. the extra live rock and sand bed are just there to add more if you already like the amount you have in your main tank. this helps break down things like amonia and nitrates because benificial bacteria grows on it. the sand bed can also absorb many toxins.
if your live rock is uncured then it can be used to cycle the tank. if it stinks, it is uncured. if it smells like the ocean, then it is cured. this means that there is nothign dead on it. only add cured live rock to a tank consisiting animals because it will cause an amonia spike. or put a few raw shrimp form your grocery store in your tank. just a few, depending on the size. i used 2-3 for my 40 gallon. or if you want your levels to not go as high when cycling which is a good idea, feed your tank every day jsut like you woudl if there were fish in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by weeder
i'm not exactly sure, but i believe a refugium is a seperate tank connected to the main tank which holds the heater, filters, and stuff like that. i don't use one yet but i've read about them.
that is called a sump, they are often used hand in hand with a refugium. a refugium is usualy build as a section in a sump. it also adds more water volume which contains more bacteria. "the best solution to pollution is dillution"


New Member
ok now I don't feel as I should be doing daily top offs with like.....distilled water...? or is tap water ok with amquel?


Active Member
dont use tap water with just conditioner. its garbage and doesnt remove a lot of things like heavy metals or other toxins. use distilled water. or better yet, but an RO or DI system. in the long run it will save you money. serch online for some.


New Member
Whats DI? oh so when i do water changes i shouldn't use water out of the faucet with amquel and the fixins?


Active Member
Here are some threads that might help you. They are actually in the archive section at the bottom of the main page.
Let me add my own advice. Research EVERYTHING before you buy it. On impulse I bought a beautiful 3" fish. Then found out it was not reef safe and grew to about 18" long.
Oh yeah, ask any question your might have. You also might want to use the search button at the top right of this page. This might help you find questions to answers you did not even know to ask.


New Member
I appreciate all of the help! And thanks for the extra threads! So if I use distilled water do i need amquel?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sealife09
I appreciate all of the help! And thanks for the extra threads! So if I use distilled water do i need amquel?
No you don't. DI water is pretty much pure water with not much else in it. So there would be no Ammonia for the Aquamel to get rid of.


Active Member
yeah, for water changes also use RO/DI or distilled water. RO stands for reverse osmosis while DI stands for DeIonization. usualy these units are build hand in hand, but since i dont have a big tank, i bought a DI system seperatly. its made by aquarium pharmasuticals. i bought it online for like 30 bucks. do a serch if you would like. RO units cost more, but you have to replace the RO membrane less than the DI cartigde, so in the long run, RO will cost you less money