Definition please


I'm not clear on what it means when calerpa goes "sexual". As I understand it, calerpa feeds on nutrients and when a tank is operating @ a point where there aren't enough nutrients to feed on, part of the plant will die off, causing an algae bloom which in turn it'll feed on. Kind of like cutting off my own fingers to eat...around a campfire...under the full summer moon...wait, got off track there. Is the definition above correct?
I've also been told that Cheato is a better option for a refugium because it doesnt go sexual. If this is the case, are there any drawbacks to using one over the other? What's the best? Thank you.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
When it goes sexual it releases spore into you water column turning your water a cloudy white.That's one of the drawbacks ,it can be prevented by leaving lights on 24/7.
Drawback #2 its a fast growing invasive algae that is almost impossible to get rid of once its taken hold in your tank unless you break down your tank and kill it off manually and chemically.
Cheato is your best bet.If for no other reason it doesn't do any of the above,and works just as well.


Active Member
Cheato is asexual, so it won't release spores and cloud up your water plus it shouldn't be able to start growing in the DT, unless introduced, so you don't have to worry about it popping up. Cheato just grows and obsorbs.


Thanks for the info. If my DT is a FOWLR, I presume any growth in there would be consumed by the fish...correct?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
to answer your question Its actually called "going Asexual" meaning not needing a mate to reproduce. When there is no hope of a species surviving or the species see's abundant growth potential they will release spores/gamates to flood the area in hopes of starting new colonies. True they often go Asexual in the dark I have witnessed calupera going Asexual in a 24/7 lighting scheme.