Delivery comming, I'm not gonna be home...


My order from of 50 scarlet, 100 blue legs 50 snails and 2 clownfish are comming tommarow morning. I have to work. My girl will be here to accept the package. But, she is wary of acclimating them.
Do you think they will last until 6:30 pm?


Active Member
have her open the bags- roll the top over to create an air pocket and float them - also she can add 1 cup of your tank water to each bag 2-3 times over the day and they will be fine till you get home


Same thing happened here. Unfortunately only half of the shipment survived and more are likely to die. My wife tried to acclimate them but she didn't read the instructions carefully. Most likely she was too busy on the phone and watching the lifetime channel:mad: .


Striker that is to funny about the lifetime
My fiance is addicted to it and she watches it atleast 6-10 hours a day


Wow, you guys make all females sound like bubbleheads!! I'll have you know that I'm the one that does most the stuff with our tank. My husband has never done any water tests. All he does is help with the water changes. Actually, I could do those myself too, but I figure he should be doing something.


Active Member
Shoot my girlfriend ditched me when I started saltwater...She said I spent too much money on fish and not enough on her...haha


Well, something is happening to my wife. She's acclimated my last shipment while I was coaching a youth basketball team. She called several times to let me know what was going on. She followed the instructions, and everything worked out fine. She feel in love with the emerald crabs and she's be looking at all the different corals she now wants me to purchase. It's the best thing that's happened to me right now, she's showing an interest and doesn't automatically just ask how much something is before letting me know I spend to much money on the tank.


Well, all is fine. she has seen me do it enough, and I walked her through it last night. except for fed ex not doing thier job correctly, everything went smooth. She called just to ask about the clown's, but I was happy to hear everything was ok.
Hey cliffrouse11bas, I had to buy an engagement ring before she'd let me by my 180. (and I thought equipment and livestock was expensive.)
Thanks all.