dem bling* bling* fish


I would like to see some pics of some fish that you spent a hundred bucks on are more. Post prices prices too. Bought for 100$ but with shipping 140. a 1 inch painted angler.


Is this the same angler you were going to keep in a fish bowl because it was so small? So did you use eggcrate to make it its own portion of your aquarium? (I can't tell from the picture- I have old eyes.)


Believe me I am not trying to be snooty but a 100.00 is not that much for many of the fish available. Well yes that is a snooty statement. I am not wealthy but my one and only vice is fish so thats where I spend some coin. As far as the price that I paid? I don't think it is important and many of you won't believe me anyway. It helps to be in the game of rare fish for decades, but I guarantee you all the fish I post pics of were over the 100.00 price that was listed... T



Those are awesome fish myerst22! And yes that is the angler I had in the fish bowl. I bought a rock with some caves so he could hide. He has doubled since then.


The fish ID's are as follows.
Enchelycore pardalis, (pic 1+2), Gym. millaris, (pic 2), Gym. meletremus (pic 3), Rhinopias Frondosa, (pic 4 and 5) Holanthias borbonius, (pic 6), Arth. mappa, (Pic 7), Chaet. tinkeri (8), Xanth. mento (Male) (9). Hope this helps. T


Active Member
Originally Posted by myerst22
The fish ID's are as follows.
Enchelycore pardalis, (pic 1+2), Gym. millaris, (pic 2), Gym. meletremus (pic 3), Rhinopias Frondosa, (pic 4 and 5) Holanthias borbonius, (pic 6), Arth. mappa, (Pic 7), Chaet. tinkeri (8), Xanth. mento (Male) (9). Hope this helps. T


Active Member
Originally Posted by myerst22
Believe me I am not trying to be snooty but a 100.00 is not that much for many of the fish available. Well yes that is a snooty statement. I am not wealthy but my one and only vice is fish so thats where I spend some coin. As far as the price that I paid? I don't think it is important and many of you won't believe me anyway. It helps to be in the game of rare fish for decades, but I guarantee you all the fish I post pics of were over the 100.00 price that was listed... T

HAHAHAHAHA, pwned... ever have any issues keeping that melatremus with the rhinopias?


Active Member
Originally Posted by olga21
I would like to see some pics of some fish that you spent a hundred bucks on are more. Post prices prices too. Bought for 100$ but with shipping 140. a 1 inch painted angler.
$140 for a 1 inch painted frogfish is way too expensive. Be careful about buying from the same place, again. Wartskin frogfish often go for $100 or more, but the more common anglers (ie painted, striated, sargassum etc) are easy to come by for $25-$40.


really, can you show me were I can get an angler for 25-40 bucks? I wouldnt mind having another. thanks


Active Member
olga, the one eel in his pics is a dragon eel, from what i can find, and they sell, on sale right now as a matter of fact, for 850 bucks


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
hey rotary, what are the common names for all of those fish? not the scientific ones :p
dragon moray eel, goldentail moray eel, dwarf golden moray eel, weedy/hairy rhinopias/scorpionfish, checked swallow tail (had to look that one up), mappa puffer, Hawaiian butterfly, male hawaiian crosshatch trigger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
dragon moray eel, goldentail moray eel, dwarf golden moray eel, weedy/hairy rhinopias/scorpionfish, checked swallow tail (had to look that one up), mappa puffer, Hawaiian butterfly, male hawaiian crosshatch trigger.
thanks bro