

Hello... I had just bought a Denitrator from Aquaripure I was wondering if anyone had any opinions about these??? anyway It just seems weird to me to put 15 ml of Vodka in this box.... but I've heard there great... but when I hear something somewhere else it seems to be frowned upon here sometimes so.... I'm looking for oppinions!

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by ccg24
Hello... I had just bought a Denitrator from Aquaripure I was wondering if anyone had any opinions about these??? anyway It just seems weird to me to put 15 ml of Vodka in this box.... but I've heard there great... but when I hear something somewhere else it seems to be frowned upon here sometimes so.... I'm looking for oppinions!

Your Aquaripure denitrator is pre-populated with beneficial bacteria. However, a denitrator can still take anywhere from 4-10 weeks to completely cycle. Every aquarium is different. In some systems the Aquaripure will cycle more quickly than in others. Sometimes the difference is immediately noticeable but more often the denitrator will take up to 10 weeks to make a noticeable difference.
got this from the wep site (beneficial bacteria) what bacteria???
and if denitrator can still take 4-10 weeks to completely cycle.
how do you know if it is working ...and thay say but more often the denitrator will take up to 10 weeks to make a noticeable difference.
imo 2 1/2 m i do not have one and will not get one but i hope all will work for you...


Active Member
I know it sounds weird using vodka but a lot of people use sugar. I personally would use sugar. I have a sulfur denitrator and so that sounds even more weird but it works and I have very little maintenance (about once every 4 months). Either way just give it time to cycle.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
I know it sounds weird using vodka but a lot of people use sugar. I personally would use sugar. I have a sulfur denitrator and so that sounds even more weird but it works and I have very little maintenance (about once every 4 months). Either way just give it time to cycle.

ok but how do you know it is working ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by baloo6969
having an accuriate log. also taking reading of samples of out water compared to tank water.
Yes, check the nitrates of the effluent coming out to the tank. You will know it's working when the nitrates start going down and it will really be working when that effluent reads 0.


Originally Posted by HatesSushi
I know it sounds weird using vodka but a lot of people use sugar. I personally would use sugar. I have a sulfur denitrator and so that sounds even more weird but it works and I have very little maintenance (about once every 4 months). Either way just give it time to cycle.

did you get your denitrator from erbio? go to google and search "denitrator" and click the link that says erbio


i have an aquaripure. had it for a couple months. brought my nnitrates down but its a bit of a pain. mine seems to get clogged up ALOT.


Originally Posted by jazzyz
i have an aquaripure. had it for a couple months. brought my nnitrates down but its a bit of a pain. mine seems to get clogged up ALOT.
yes, I've heard the clogging complain a lot when an aquaripure denitrator is discussed... unfortunately.
Did you check out erbios denitrator?


Mine was from Aquaripure also.... anyway.... the book says Vodka was perfered over the sugar water.... So I guess these things are really great I just didn't know too much ... it's not really a big topic with hobbyist so... I was wondering if there many more thats had quite abit of experience w/ them... thank you... for the many replies