Denver - looking for open brain coral or candy cane


Looking for a red open brain coral or a candy cane coral or bubble coral or even ricordia would be great. I have a small frogspawn frag that is doing good and a light green mushroom of good size, maybe 4" across, available for trade under MH lighting and good water conditions. Pics on request (I'm at work right now). Will have a sarcophyton frag available in a month or two, not quite ready. maybe a little $$ for the difference? Thanks.


Honestly I'm not sure. Someone posted in one of the other forums that they are new to corals so post a picutre with the name thread. One of the first responders showed a pic and labeled it candy cane. I'll see if I can find it and post it.
Edit: found it:


these are the candy's I have. I am going to frag this one and the other one has grown since this, so I'm going to frag it also..



Are you willing to trade for anything that I have? Very interested......and your local which doesn't hurt.