Depressed damsel?


Do fish get depressed?
I asked because a few days ago i got a peppermint shrimp and my damsel seemed fascinated by it always so curious. Then when it died later he hasnt been the same. He would always come to the glass and stay there when i came close or follow me when i went near the tank. Now he just seems so skittish and always hides in a little cave or behind live rock. I checked to see if he was sick but he has no visable signs of any disease i can think of. He eats alright but he seems different. My perimeters are all 0. Ph is 8.2. Salinity is 1.025. Any ideas whats wrong with him?

eric b 125

he could just be a little skittish since there has been a lot going on in the tank: new shrimp put in, shrimp dies, hand/net comes in to get shrimp.
damsels will hide alooooot its normal just mayb noticed it now but they will hide alot from nets and anything put in the water. its normal. when i goto the LFS and i walk up to the glass full of damsels they all split


Not this one, its odd, im home alot and hes always out and about and comes up to the glass and such, but since that happned he just hides alot now.


New Member
well me and my husband had one it would hide and come out it's ok don't worry to much k