Derasa clam


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam
The general rule of thumb is over 3 inches.
but i would imagine that a lower light needing clam would need more seeing how they have less zooxanthellae to support photosynthesis. also, their mantles arent nearly as large as a crocea or maxima
however, if you buy a small one and dont want to pollute your tank, you can just put some phyto in a bowl and put the clam in that ever day or two. more efficient also

yosemite sam

Active Member
Tridacna clams have up to 10 times the zooanthellae algae as corals, so once the get to a decent size, they don't need to be fed. 3 inches should be fine. I had a 1" maxima that I never fed directly, and it grew quite well.


Active Member
they do have that much but they also have a much larger about of tissue to photosynthetic tissue ratio than most corals. i dont think that it would need to be much larger, but i am saying that since a deresa clam has such a smaller mantle it may need another inch or so is all.