Deresa, Maxima, or Squamosa?


I was wondering what the different care requirements are between the three species. I will be setting up a 75gal reef with a Nova Extreme Pro 6x54W T5HO lighting fixture. I wanted to keep a clam. So, I figured Id ask here about the different care requirements so I know which one fits me better so I know which one to look into more.


Active Member
all ornamental clams need good lighting. squamosa and derasa r more forgiving, compared to the maxima and crocea, when it comes to lighting and water quality. if ur tank is at least 5-6 months old, and nothing has died recently, then give it a shot.


Are any of them completely photosynthetic or dont need to be spot fed? I read that squamosa rely heavily on the algae in their shells to live.


Active Member
all tridacna clams need lights. no spot feeding for clams. fish poops or any weekly marinesnow would do.


Active Member
Clams over 3" are primarily photosynthetic at that point.. Under 3" can be difficult as they require a filter food. The bad part to this is most available in the aquarium trade (at least for an affordable price) are around the 2" mark when they are sold and can be hard to maintain at that point. Over 3" is recommended. The other big concern is calcium as they grow -- larger ones can really suck the calcium out of a system.