Des you LFS charge for water tests? Amarillo'ans Please read


Well mine did not until the last fish store closed in town and now FishPros here in Amarillo are the only game in town. They have jacked there prices up through the roof and are charging for what used to be free! (testing water) I am no longer going to give them my bisness. They just seam to be gouging us now. Looks like and the internet will get my money from now on. :mad:

randy 12

I'm in MO but the store here doesn't charge (the others don't even do it). However I think he does charge if you're in all time for free tests. The tests aren't free for the LFS so maybe your LFS is charging (and increasing rates) because they're having trouble financially and/or trying to increase their profit. Solve the problem and buy your own test kit then you won't have to worry about it.


Active Member
Hey 125. I've been complaining about that to them ever since they started doing it. I haven't paid for more than one test since. I'm with you though I think I'm just gonna go through the net to get something unless it's something I have to have. I'll check petsmart and walmart first though.

randy 12

What test kit did you get? How much was your LFS charging? Was it just for nitrates, ph, etc or was it for Calcium? Like I said, the places here in town don't charge.


Active Member
They were charging us $1 for amm, trites, trates, and ph. $2 for anything else. I'm assuming he's talking about the Aquarium Pharmecuticals (spelling) master test kit, since we can't get any of the good ones such as Salifert, LaMotte, or Tunze without special ordering on line or through that LFS. I had to buy the same one.
I may just start driving to Lubbock once a month or something and go to Aquarilease or one of the others.
Hey 125, lets just open our own LFS lol.


Have you been to the LFS in Pampa? I have no been in there but I know they sell SWF. And yes that is the test kit. I got it at Petsmart for $20. Fishpros had it for $35. suprised?


New Member
I live in Midland now but I am from Amarillo. When I was there "Bubbles" was the only game in town. My brother was so excited when Anthony (Fishpros) opened in that little joint out off the Canyon e-way and took me to check it out when I was in town one weekend. Prices were not to bad then. Now he is gouging everyone who walks in the door to pay for that fancy new building and all of those "kids" he has working there that IMO were probably the ones who couldnt make the cut at Petsmart. If you can ever catch Anthony in the store, let him know how cheap you can get it over the net and he will probably at least match it for you. He has done that for me a couple of times when I was in town.
ps... no real choices here in west texas either. Lubbock is your best bet besides the internet.


Active Member
125 I didn't know that Pampa even knew what a fish store was.
Fishman, I tried to tell Anthony that I could get it cheaper on the net but then he rambled on and on about how much more expensive it would be after shipping. I like Anthony he's a good guy, I just don't like paying way more for stuff than I should.
I've gotten him to lower quite a few things, but as far as livestock goes I've never gotten it to come down.


None of the local fish stores around the metro-detroit area charge for water chemistry tests.
However $1-2 for performing the tests really isn't that bad. Thats not much of a significant profit margin after materials and TIME. More or less its just no longer costing them money to do the tests as a courtesy anymore.
Yes, you will pay more for products at an independent fish store. Online, catalogues, large chains generally have massive quantity discounts, lower operating costs, etc. Still, unless its a total rip off, I try and split my business between online sites like this and the lfs.


Doing water test has been a free service here in Amarillo, TX @ all of the pet stores. I see it as a courtesy for being a customer. When your prices are 30-50% higher than they were before the only other LFS closed down I think they can afford to "give" this service away. I can understand what they are trying to do. They are giving a 20% discount on test kits. But 20% off is still almost 50% higher thatn the same kit at Petsmart.
If it were me I would rather sell 10 fish at $10 than 2 fish at $50. They do not look at it that way. A small perc is $40+ for example. 15lbs of LS is almost $30. I just don't like to be gouged.



Originally posted by 125inTX
Doing water test has been a free service here in Amarillo, TX @ all of the pet stores. I see it as a courtesy for being a customer. When your prices are 30-50% higher than they were before the only other LFS closed down I think they can afford to "give" this service away. I can understand what they are trying to do. They are giving a 20% discount on test kits. But 20% off is still almost 50% higher thatn the same kit at Petsmart.
If it were me I would rather sell 10 fish at $10 than 2 fish at $50. They do not look at it that way. A small perc is $40+ for example. 15lbs of LS is almost $30. I just don't like to be gouged.

OUCH! At those prices, you ARE being gouged! As long as a lfs is reasonably not that much more than online/catalogues I gladly give them the extra dollar or two. At those prices though... I'd be just ordering from and others from now on!


Yea thats the plan, but some times you need suff ASAP and they are the only game in town. Kinda makes ya sick dont it?


New Member
Daniel is right about the overnight shipping. You can place your order and have it overnighted and still come out less then those lfs in Amarillo. Anthony is a good guy and I like him to but I'm the one who has to pay my bills so it is up to me to find the best prices for what I need. Is Bubbles the lfs that closed up shop that you are talking about?