Describe/pics of your fish room



I was just curious about the rooms everyone keeps their fish in. Is it the living room where everyone can see it? Basement? Office?
For me, I keep my tank in my home office, which is a finished basement with my desk and computer. I also have a tv in front of my desk so I can watch the lions games and keep up with my fantasy teams. The reason I bring this up now is because I just got a mini fridge/freezer down here.
Now I can keep my fish food, bottles of water and beer accessible.
If only I could have a bathroom down here, I wouldn't have to leave at all... :thinking:


I keep my 40g in my room. No pics though sorry. I keep everything in the stand so you cant see any of it. I hope to get a 150+gallon downstairs in the living room...but that wont happen for a little while.


Active Member
Tank is in my room along with a bathroom,TV w/ game system, desk and computer, bed, and lots of fish pictures on my what a geek i am


Love the in-wall tanks... what room do you access your tank from?
I guess I should include a pic of mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Love the in-wall tanks... what room do you access your tank from?
I guess I should include a pic of mine.
I access my tank from a large storeage closet built by hubby to hide electrical box and plumbing size is 8x12. I keep all fish supplies and some junk in there, we have a mini frig for fish food and beer lol. The family room is partially underground and the whole downstairs was finished off by us.


Originally Posted by Cartman101
jcrim, might wanna clean up sometime

You should see my real office!!!


Mine's in my dining room. I have an open living room and dining room, so you can see my tank from my kitchen, dining room, and living room. It's the only place we could put it.... we have a small house. I also have my 35 hex aquarium set up in the living room, right next to the entertainment center. I'll post pics later.
We're going to put an addition on our master bedroom (which is only 12X14 right now, with a queen size bed, two dressers, and two end tables.. there's barely room to walk around), so we're going to double the length of the bedroom, and add a master bath. I'm going to get a 250 somewhere in there, probably at the end between two closets, but i love the in-wall tanks. gotta decide on that... i have 5 years to go, so i think i'll be ok... lol


Active Member
I have 2 in my living room 120 reef and 90 fowlr ,2 in my dining room 75 and 125( 6 ft.) 1 in the kitchen 15 gal fw(kids have to have something else to feed lol.)and no my house is huge if you trip and fall youll most likely end up inside a fishtank


Active Member
for now my fiance have a 10gallon saltwater at the house she lives here at college...its in her room, how i wish it was in mine at my apt by my bed....wish i could just lay here and watch it. we also have a 75gallon that is in their living room that is ours...sometimes we'll turn the couch around to just sit and watch the tank. :joy: i cant wait till we get our own place and i can put the tanks where i actually want them. haha
Luke P
unleashed--that is a TON of tanks, open up a fish store in your house


Active Member
QUOTE unleashed--that is a TON of tanks, open up a fish store in your house.
lol I tell ya some times I think I could with all this extra equipment all over the place :thinking:


Active Member

Originally Posted by jcrim
Love the in-wall tanks... what room do you access your tank from?
I guess I should include a pic of mine.

hehe, this's my newest background. i've a shaved "lion" chow chow that looks similar to your dog and a siamese who looks nothing like your cat but walks over anything to get in the way. as for cleaning up, no way!!! dog and cat toys are to be expected and part of the fun of having animals. great room although i'm just not a fan of drop ceilings and paneling.


Absolutely regarding the cat and dog toys. I agree about the panelling but this is a basement... pretty much the lowest priority on my home renovations list.


Great room... lots of space for a LARGE tank in there. Just a thought. :thinking:


yeah, not so sure. i have a chinese water dragon that's growing out of his tank very rapidly... i'll have to get him a 40-75 gallon tank soon, and i'll have to put it there next to my current tank... I WISH I COULD HAVE A LARGE TANK IN THERE!!!
Oh, i forgot to take a pic where my 35 gal hex seahorse tank will be... OK, see the desk on the right hand side (only there temporarily)? The tank is right on the other side of that, toward me (the photographer). I'll take a pic when i get home...



mines in my office (pardon the buckets, just did a h2o change this a.m.) then on my desk i've got a blender that i took all the guts out of and use it as a beta tank.. cant see it in the picture. i SO need a bigger tank... need to fill up that window space!!!