Detaching an Anemone



We were on the beach yesterday and picked up this guy. It is an anemone that happens to be on a crab. It isn't a hermit crab, and it kind of resembles a Porcelain Crab. I have it in quarantine at the moment and don't know if the crab is reef-safe or not? My main thing is, does anyone know of any possible way to get the anemone to detach without harming it or the crab. Last night it was in a VERY low current zone and did not detach. All help is appreciated! Thanks!


let me start off with taking things from the beach IMO is not a good idea and can lead to disease and other things in your tank no to mention most creatures fair better where they were.
Ok moral story over... you could touch it with a piece of ice that will usually get it to come off.


Crab is not reef safe...
Agitating an anemone usually will get it to loosen its grip...
Things at the beach are just that, things at the beach. Unless you have a collecots/harvesters permint, that's where they should stay. This may have all sorts of problems in your tank, and may pollute it, as anything close to any shore around the US, or any other country for that matter, are generally in pretty poor conditions.
That being said, don't get pinched.


two words plastic spatula. your gonna have to get ahold of that crab though. how big is it? both?


I just did the Anemone and Icecube thing for the second time. It is in a TupperWare in the bottom of the tank with no current and dim light. I'll post an update tomorrow.... Thanks for all the help and suggestions!


Active Member
Agree with the others about keeping something you found at the beach, but with that being said....
I have done this several times, and sometimes it's harder than others, but this looks like an easy case. Take your fingernail, or a butter knife and pry up one of the edges and then slowly peel him off. With one that size, "slowly" means the whole process should take you about 10 min. With each tug, he will keep releasing. Do this directly in front of the power head so that flow is hitting him the whole time. Don't worry if you scratch or tear him a little getting it started, but make sure you put him in a "no-flow" area at first or he will just float around the tank. And don't drop that crab in the tank. I don't know about the anemone, but I wouldn't put that crab in my tank for anything.