Detaching frag from plug question?



Hey everyone, I have a duncan frag with 4 heads on it and it's attached to a plug. My question is: is there a safe and easy way to detach the frag from the plug? Or do i just break it off? Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
maybe try and pry from the bottom...wat kind of plug? How big is the duncan? I usually use dikes to pry or cut my frags! maybe a butter knife would be more appropriate in ur needs?!?! U can cut the bottom part of the frag off with the dikes as well!


Active Member
I despise the look of a frag plug.
What I've done lately to a lot of frag plugs is take a dremel with a diamond wheel cutter and simply cut into the sides of the plug (away from any coral flesh) until it is as small as possible while still supporting the coral.
You didn't say what the purpose is to remove the coral from the plug, I assume it is cosmetic....?


Yeah, its strictly cosmetic, its on my frag tray right now and i want to put it in my rocks after it grows a little bit more...Thanks


Active Member
snapping it off can be dangerous depending on how sturdy the glue job is, if its a weak glue job you can do that no problem but thats all relative. I would recommend using a cutter (dremel with diamond wheel etc. as mentioned in the above posts) to cut the base free from the plug. snips are a no-no as it can crush the skeleton since it is hollow and cause hairline fractures internally that may or may not lead to secondary infections.