detatching my condalactis


New Member
my condalactis anemone has gotten too ig for me 29 gal. reef..
anyone have a good idea on how to detatch it so i can trade it at my lfs ??

tru conch

Active Member
the easiest way would be to remove it with it still attached to a small piece of lr.
if that is not possible, here is how i used to collect them in the wild. right at the base of the foot, gently worked your thumb in between the foot and the rock. just go slow, and the foot will let go. the anemone will most likely deflate, but will re-inflate once you are done handling it. if your finger doesnt work, a plastic card might do the trick, but i prefer my thumb so that way i can "feel" whats going on.
hopefully you can just remove it with the lr, the less handling the better. hth, and good luck.