Hey guys, here what i did, i bought 2 false percu clowns. one little and one bigger, the bigger one never could never get him to eat for like 3 weeks, but before he died i got a BTA and they were both hosting in it in hours, but the big clown died. My end result i want to accomplish is get a pair of clowns in the tank, so i bought another pair of clowns, as soon as i put them in the existing clown locked lips with on the two new guys, need list to say the one of the news guys died the first night, and the second new guy was found dead a few days later. Is there going to be any way to get another clown to live is this tank? paramaters are all perfect 55 gallon tanks six month old. fish in there now is the one small devil clown and 3 small damsels and the BTA. There 50 pounds of live rock in there so lots of hiding spots. any help is much appreciated.