your most welcome.I love puffers they have the greatest personalitys.just like puppies in the thing I have noticed with my ss puffer (rip) and my spiney they share alot of the same personality trates such as exitment when i walk in the room.but i dont know if just mine or if everyones do this but if my ph drops 1 pt below 8.3 he will hide in a corner and pout untill i buffer the tank.and being a new puffer owner I warn you in advance cus i lost my ss to this problem.they gey so exited when feeding they suck in air fromthe surface of the tank some times this air gets trapped and they cant release it.I literally have to burp my spiney boxfish by holding him in an upright (mouth up but in water) which btw ticks him off every time and yes it can be painful for me too lol.i names mine spike btw, he will release a few small air bubbles then get realy mad and puff up when i release him de deflates very quickly and swims aways free of air bubbles and happy again.they key is to watch how he lays in the tank if you notice him tail up higher more often while swimming or laying about he may have a trapped air bubble.if this is the case and it is not released they will stop eating i lost mine ss due to just that reason after 3 1/2 yrs in my tank he was 4 inches when purchased and 13in at the time he passed away on val day of 2005.word of caution with dogfaced puffers if they stress too much and inflate to long this will cause death.