DFW TX Area only FS or Trade


I have 10 colonies of Xenia enlongada $10 - $ 15 depending on size.
Also 1- 5 head Trumpet coral $20.00
2- 2 head Trumpet $15.00 EA
1- Fungia Plate coral 3" Tank spawned and tank raised 10 months old from birth $35.00
Green Star Polyps
assorted Mushrooms
All Items are for sale or Trade!!
Buy any of the above Items and receive a xenia Enlongda Frag Free!!


From you I am about
30min south. Take I-35 w to 67hwy to alverado go east on 67hwy toward venus. If you Interested send me an E-mail to robert@reefaquariumguide.com and I will return an E-mail with my Ph#.
follow the link in my sig to the DFWMAS web site their is membership application on the site. We are a nonprofit club. we are also a sub chapter of MASNA. We usually hold meetings on the third WED of every month. But sometimes during the summer we have meetings on saturday's. There is a link to meetings on the site. They usually post the meeting date and time in the second week of the month as our meeting place changes from dallas to fort worth every other month so evrybody gets a chance to attend. You can visit a meeting before joining. We would love to have you come and check us out. We have a fish and coral raffle evrey meeting. Raffle tickets are only $1.00.


HMMM, I know several people by that name. where should I know them From?? And I'll be able to make the connection and say for sure. I know a Joann in the DQ bizz as well as from DFWMAS. I do know a Peter from DFWMAS after I think about it. Probably who your talking about. I am not sure of peters last name though.