Dialysis for salt water???


New Member
Digging around the internet I found a company that claims to make a product that will clean everything out of the water including nitrates. The concept is based around kidney dialysis.
Does anyone here run a system like this or know of someone who does?????
And no, it's not cheap.


Active Member
I run a similar system, it is called water changes :)
Can you post the article or say the name of the company?


Active Member
The only problem is that the sytem would also probably wipe out everything in your water including benificial bacteria. This probably would do anything considering your live rock and sand should be the factories for these critters, but just something to think about.


New Member
The company is called sea visions and the product is DialySeas. I don't think they carry the product here so if I stepped on some toes I am sorry.
Other than the price, if it works as advertised I can't see why this wouldn't be a piece of standard gear like a good protien skimmer.


Active Member
You didn't step on toes, they just don't like if you post a link to another site that sells products. Educational sights are okay. I'll take a look at it - that seems very interesting.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I have read some literature on it and to my knowledge its only for the professional (what ever that means) aquarist. I believe they say their standard set up will handle a 2000 gallon aquaria so going by that number I would guess it’s a rather expensive set up for the avenge home aquarist but the potential for a smaller and less expensive model would truly be a plus in maintenance


Active Member
Okay i read this article and i'm now skeptical. It says that it puts trace elements back into the water, but how is this possible? Trace elements (minerals) have to somehow be reintroduced into the system, so either this machine has a 'valt' of minerals that it releases back into the water or these people are bs'in us. Also if that was the case, then unless my physics teacher was wrong, you can't make something out of nothing, so you would have to replenish this 'valt' of minerals.
And the statement "reduces all stress on lifeforms except viruses," so this machine can discipher between a virus and a beneficial bacteria?
This is something that i want to believe is true, but if the company has been around since 1999 you would think this machine would be more mainstream if it was as good as it claims.
Not trying to be a pessimist here but...


New Member
And herein lies the question. For a fowlr setup like mine, being able to remove nitrates and do automatic topoff seems like the holy grail. It also makes the prospect of a larger system even more attractive.
By the way, aren't we all "profesional aquarist"?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe also but wish it were true I would be more skeptical about its ability to distinguish between nitrifying bacteria and problem bacteria unless the turn over rate is so high that it filters out ammonia at such a speed that nitrifying bacteria is no longer needed

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rwrink
And herein lies the question. For a fowlr setup like mine, being able to remove nitrates and do automatic topoff seems like the holy grail. It also makes the prospect of a larger system even more attractive.
By the way, aren't we all "profesional aquarist"?
If you were referring to my post I was just quoting their own literature not my personal opinion


New Member
Actually it was a friendly dig at the folks at Sea Visions.
Any idea what percentage of the nitrifying bacteria is waterborne vs live rock. This may explain a bit.


Active Member
God really, 3000 dollars. So to break even on my tank, doing 10% changes a week...
30 gallons x .10 = 3 gallons a week
3 gallons x .40 (DI/RO) = 1.20 Dollars a week spent on water changes
With 52 weeks in a year, i spend 62.40 dollars on water changes per year.
3000 / 62.40 = Roughly 48 years
So your saying i have to have this thing for 48 years to break even?
My example doesn't include salt - so if you want to add that in it would be about 20 dollars every three months, or 80 dollars a year
3000 / 142.40 = So its down to 21 years if you don't have to replace the salt.