Diamond and Sleeper Gobies


New Member
So I had a total of 4 gobies (2 diamond and 2 golden headed sleepers). I noticed some differences between the two and wanted to check if others had the same experiences.
Diamond gobies - both jumped out of the tiny cutouts in the cover of my 34g Solana and died. I really liked the fact that when they sifted sand, they stayed close to the floor and only made tiny little moguls.
Golden headed sleepers - one disappeared and died under a rock, the other is alive in well in my QT. They both were in my 75g (at different times), which is basically uncovered - my QT also has large gaps in the back. When they sifted the picked up sand, moved ~6 in. above the sand and started swimming around, putting sand on everything and creating mounds.


Diamonds are "clean sifters" where they drop the sand close to their pick up point. The other is a messy sifter due to the behavior to described. I would invest in some white egg crate plastic to cover your open holes. This will put an end to your jumping problems. If you want to try another goby I recoomend yellow watchman they do not sand sift and have quite the personality.