Diamond Gobies and the Sand Bed

michael r

I have a 90 gallon FOWLR with the following stocklist:
1 Cleaner Shrimp
2 Firefish
1 Solar Fairy Wrasse
1 Royal Gramma
1 Auriga Butterflyfish
I have a shallow sand bed, around 1.5 inches. I don't believe it provides much in the denitrificiation, but my nitrates have always been around 10, which is pretty good for the shrimp.
I was thinking of buying a Diamond Goby to add some activity to the bottom level of my tank, and to help clean the sand.
Considering that this is a FOWLR, and that I have a shallow sand bed, would adding the Diamond Goby be in any way detrimental? I will NOT be switching over to a Reef.
Will the Goby get along fine with my other fish? None of them stay close to the bottom so I can't imagine them invading his territory or anything.
I also don't have a refugium, is that fine if he eats prepared foods?