Diamond Goby questions


Active Member
Just got one and it really is amazing. Sifting like crazy. I also have a engineer goby which I hate but can't catch him. These two don't seem to get along to well, will this be a problem? Also, since the diamond is sifting it is making my water cloudy. Will this eventually stop once the top layer of aragonite is stired up?


Active Member
i herd that you should only do 1 goby per tank. if you do 2 they will fight.
i have a diamond goby as well and yes your water should clear up within a few days after he had gotten the top layer all cleaned up


Active Member
Hmmm. I wonder if they will be OK. The diamond is the fastest fish I have ever seen, so hopefully if will stay away from the engineer.
i had cloudy water because of mine, i put cotton batting in the filter and that seemed to help alot. it came in a big bag next the the filter supplys. i still have a thin layer of dust all over my rocks but i guess that is the price i will have to pay.


I was also told 1/tank. Don't worry about the cloudiness. There will be less as the days go by and your filter will take care of it.
i even am able to feed mine really small pieces of krill. i use frozen krill for my emarald, cleaner, and anemones, and now him.


Active Member
Yeah this thing is unreal, he cleaned my whole tank already and when I was feeding a lump of pellet food fell in (about the size of his head) and he ate it whole. UNREAL!!