Diamond Goby!!!


New Member
Well I was having a bit of a problem with some dirty sand... read some posts and decided to go get two Diamond Gobies for my 150.
All I can say is WOW!! WOW!!!
These guys cleaned up my sand within 2 hours!!
Pretty amazed... and they look pretty cool too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kungfugrip
Well I was having a bit of a problem with some dirty sand... read some posts and decided to go get two Diamond Gobies for my 150.
All I can say is WOW!! WOW!!!
These guys cleaned up my sand within 2 hours!!
Pretty amazed... and they look pretty cool too.

how much? i want a pair for my 90..


Active Member
indeed, we want pics.
i had a tiny one but lost it because it wasnt eating.
its a very nice fish though


Active Member
Yo, those things are the BEST. Had two different ones. One I think died, the other committed suicide by jumping out of my tank. Be careful they jump BIG time. They clean the substrate amazingly, I know. Best of luck with it, they are so cool to watch too.


Active Member
I have had this now about 7 inch Pod eater for a couple years now....... Here is a copy and paste about their pitfalls I posted a while back......Also A recent shot of him going for another scoop!!!!! Someone said maybe get 2, that would be one too many of the little Roto-Tillers
If it needs to be a fish, to clean up substrate, one choice would be a Diamond Goby (aka) Rotor-tiller fish) if you want to have spotless substrate. Many folks use this guy. But they have many downfalls too.
The issues with them are they tend to be jumpers ( no issues with mine) quiet home no kids anymore to startle him with noise. Also a nearly 50 gallon fuge feeding the little pod eater. I have seen where they are tide poll skippers. As long as they have food in this "little tide pool" I think they do not tend to try to leave the pool (jump out of your tank) But it your tank runs out of pods etc , carpet surfing 101 seems to be their next class in school.
The do eat just about anything in the substrate (pods included) leaving the substrate barren of seeable critters. Next, they will rearrange the landscaping of your substrate regularly!! If you have a "DSB" he will make mountains out of it in places. Other than these issues, they are just about unbeatable at keeping the substrate clean, but you pay the cost of living with these issues forever more. Plus they are a neat fish to watch work......... Good Luck.... Warren


New Member
I dont have a camera here right now but thats exactly what they look like.
I have read about the jumping thing... in fact they both almost jumped out when I put them in. Then they decided to go to work... they havent stopped yet. I need to leave... but I cant stop watching them!!
They weren't fans of the Cleaner Wrasse checking em out either... they seem to have made friends now though.
I do need to deal with the jumping thing though... Im thinking about getting some egg crate for the top of the tank.


Active Member
hey warren, are those just a different variation of the pink spotted watchman goby? cause thats what we're lookin at getting, do i need to have pods for him to eat? cause if so, will a 20g sump/fuge witha 40g breeder be enough for it?


Active Member
I think the Pink-Blue Watchmans are Cryptocentrus leptocephalus and the Diamond is a Valencienneapuellaris by scientific name....The names sure do not sound alike do they???.....Some of the evolutionary variations in what appears to be very similar species by looking at how they behave and body shapes. But from what little I do know they are both good fish with the same or similar traits. As to eating other than pods my guy has become a true pig, anything from algae (nori) to pellets to frozen, not to mention the continual eating of anything in the substrate....... I once saw him almost chock to death on a single complete "Algae Tab" he swallowed whole......... In other words if it is on the bottom and is small than with him, one of three things happens. He eats it, hides it or covers it up because he can not do the other two
.... Note this shot, he is thinking "Is he looking at me or can I eat or hide this now?" I can bet you if that frag was left overnight, it would not be found in the morning, another pitfall of him I guess....
There are both from the western pacific and look very similar except coloration. I think from what I have read the Diamonds are found more in the indo-pacific areas too........I just know what I read and see as time passes by in retirement LOL
Good Luck with whichever your choice may be, they act similar from what I can gather.


Active Member
sweet thanks man, we're thinking possibly getting a pair of em, but dont know well a pair of em will do in a 40g breeder LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
sweet thanks man, we're thinking possibly getting a pair of em, but dont know well a pair of em will do in a 40g breeder LOL
My thought would be just try one........... Good Luck either way


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
hey warren, are those just a different variation of the pink spotted watchman goby? cause thats what we're lookin at getting, do i need to have pods for him to eat? cause if so, will a 20g sump/fuge witha 40g breeder be enough for it?
To bad you errased your personal messages the other day. I was trying to tell you that the pink spotted is the largest and most arggresive in this area.,


Active Member
Awesome fish for cleaning dirty bottom, and to look at. But I think it should be advised that they will make one big sand storm in your tank. The debris that they constantly keep stirred up causes a constant 'cloud'. And as already mentioned, they will pile mounds of sand where you least want it. In my case....all over the top of my corals. I had to move all lower level corals up to a higher location. I'm still 50/50 on this fish, leaning more on the side of liking the cleanup job though.


does anyone know if yellow watchman gobies clean the sand bed as well?
they are much more colorful and smaller which is a plus for me


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Awesome fish for cleaning dirty bottom, and to look at. But I think it should be advised that they will make one big sand storm in your tank. The debris that they constantly keep stirred up causes a constant 'cloud'. And as already mentioned, they will pile mounds of sand where you least want it. In my case....all over the top of my corals. I had to move all lower level corals up to a higher location. I'm still 50/50 on this fish, leaning more on the side of liking the cleanup job though.
Yep here is a shot showing just that.. My sand is not at all "dusty" at this point but the little bugger still has it flying all around.... Look at the bits of sand in the water............


Originally Posted by joebob7
does anyone know if yellow watchman gobies clean the sand bed as well?
they are much more colorful and smaller which is a plus for me
Unfortunately not, but they will do something cooler than that. They will form a symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp. Btw, that's a beautiful fish you have and some great pictures as well. I have an orange spotted prawn goby which looks a lot like the diamond, except it doesn't clean and it's eyes are much cooler lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
does anyone know if yellow watchman gobies clean the sand bed as well?
they are much more colorful and smaller which is a plus for me
The Diamond may be a bit overbearing in a small tank.... The Yellow in ours we hardly ever see... He spends most of his time in one of the big guys tunnels.............Sometime I do see him stick his head out and check out the wife's Red Scooter.. They are about the same size......