diamond head goby


Active Member
just curious on how i can get my diamond watchman to sift sand. ive seen loads of these lil guys chowing down on some substrate mine wont touch it!, the substrate 30% aragonite, and 70% fine grade sand, its a perfect substrate for this guy, he burrows underneath rockwork but doesnt sift sand! a friend of mine has a mated pair, and they go to town! and his substrate is a bigger grade than mine....just curious


Active Member
i had one never dug then i had to give to one of my friends since my lion was getting bigger. His name his Sandman12 something on this forum


New Member
The Goby will shift through the sand only when he's hungry. If he's eating any of the food you feed your other fish then he won't bother with the sand. I have one and he'll try and eat brine shrimp and mysis shrimp when i feed my fish. He gets all mad when i don't give him any. So he just goes back to his cave and then wanders and shifts through the tank. The store i bought him from and the books i've read about them said the same thing. If they are fed or eat the food when you're feeding your fish they won't need to shift the sane in search of food.