Diatom Algae everywhere! Ready for clean up crew yet?


Hello everyone, my tank was setup last Wednesday, 53 lbs live rock/ 145 live sand (100lbs Nature's Ocean/ 45lbs live sand). The tank has already gone through a cycle. Here are the tank conditions:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 15
SG - 1.024
pH - 8.3
Diatom algae is COVERING all of my live rock and most of my sand. On Sunday there was just a small patch, now it has expanded everywhere on the tank. Can I add a clean-up crew to help take care of this? How many snails/crabs?


Although it could happen, one week is a pretty quick cycle. Algea growth like you've described is a normal part of a cycle. I believe your tank is still completing its cycle. This algea should disipate by itself . I would continue to monitor water parameters and wait awhile on that clean-up crew.

ed r

What amount and type of lighting do you have. If the lighting is good, I would keep the lights on for normal hours. I would also use a turkey baster to blow the diatoms off of the rocks. This will allow the corline algae to progress and keep the diatoms off. Do you have enough water flow in your tank. If you have vigorous water movement from powerheads, it helps to keep the diatoms down to some extent, especially on the rocks. If your rock was precured, you could be finished with the cycle. It is safest to wait. If you are done with the cycle, you can add a clean up crew. I prefer snails, and avoid the crabs.


Ed - I have 2 110watt URI VHO bulbs powered by an Icecap 430 ballast. One bulb is the Super Actinic, the other is the Actinic White (50/50) bulb. I have two Hagen 301 Powerheads in my tank, one on each side of the tank, they are rated up to 30 gallons. I wouldn't really say I have "vigorous" circulation, but I definitely have a decent amount. My live rock was also pre-cured. I think I'll wait another 5-7 days and see how things progress. Thanks.