diatom bloom


New Member
ive hade my 20 gal. tank set up for about 2 months now and the diatom bloom started about 1 month ago. i put this thing in my filter called "Phos-Zorb" and it seems to be taking affect with the bloom. i was wondering when the unsightly diatoms will go away. Please help!!


Just wait it out. I know they are unsightly. Every tank goes through the ugly diatom bloom in the beginning. Don't overfeed, keep your water parameters stable and it won't take too long. HTH--Bob

nm reef

Active Member
Once the water parameters stablize....add a clean-up crew ( snails..emerald crabs..hermits..) they will munch whatever is left of the diatom and any other algae.....this site has outstanding packages and service.......other than that like was said...be patient...its common and will eventually pass.......
What type of water do you use? I woul stay away from tap water if you can And use ro/water. This will also help in getting rid of those diatoms. Try adding some asterea snails, They do great in ridding as well as a clean up crew but If your tank is still new wait it out a little while longer. Lots of luck.