Diatom Filter on a reef tank...


What's the word on them? I hear there great for "clearing up", but what about removing "good stuff", you all know what I mean.
I’ve been thinking, I would be nice to "flip a switch" if guests were coming over one day, and it did some polishing...
What do you all think?


they are called diatom filters or diatomaceious (?SP) earth filters * LOL * they use a very fine powder to filter the water. they are a bot expensive though and great to run all the time.


yea just like a DE pool filter...same media...it's rock (high silica though)... but it's fossilized diatoms(rock hard algae crushed up)...so my only concern is the sillica...but if the silica remains in the filter bag i cant imagine a problem.
Mike, do you(or somone you know) use one on a reef?


I use DE in my Magnum filter sometimes. It just needs to be changed in a week because it gets clogged. I mostly run the micron cartridge. The tank surely is crystal clear when I do!


actually a petstore i usta buy from in texas used them regularly on all their tanks to polish the water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by baloo6969
yea just like a DE pool filter...same media...it's rock (high silica though)... but it's fossilized diatoms(rock hard algae crushed up)...so my only concern is the sillica...but if the silica remains in the filter bag i cant imagine a problem.
Mike, do you(or somone you know) use one on a reef?
the silica wont be a problem. the beauty of diatoms is when they bind silicic acid into their body they change it to non-soluble form. (this is the reason diatom blooms pass they use up all the silicic acid and render it inert) even if a little were to get into your tank any effect would be negligable. Diatom filters are great for poklishing water. just remember like any form of mechanical filtration keep it on a regular maintinence schedule to prevent it from becoming a nitrate "farm"
Oh you should also turn it off for a short period when feeding planktonic foods as it will quickly remove them from the water.


Active Member
i use one occassionally to polish the water in my tank. i wouldnt run it 24/7, but its good to run once every month or so IMO.