diatom pros and cons


im just looking for info on diatom filters the pros and cons i heard they remove ich and parisites that are free swimming and are great water pollishers i just lookig for some honest answers about them and what effect do they have on biological levels you cant get bhonest answers from lfs and companys that sell these products ther all out to sell u ther magic cure alls this is the only place i can truley get honest answers thanks


Active Member
I wouldn't honestly waste money on a diatom filter......If you looking to control ich then a quarantine tank would be the answer, if your looking to polish water there are other methods or ways to do that as well.


well i use quarentine to get ich off my fish with copper its only a 10 gallon i was going to use diatom to get free swimming ich out of main tank so far its working well how would you polish water without diatom filter my water is very clean without diatom i have a uv and do water changes regulary and i have 2 filters on my tank any other ways i wiould appriciate thanks