Diatom Question


I'm 16 days into cycling my first SW tank. After the first week, there was significant brown diatom growth all over the live rock and DSB. After approximately another week, the diatoms began to diminish and my h20 parameters were looking good (Ammonia beginning to decrease, Nitrites on a slow steady decline, nitrates coming up.)
Today I noticed what I thought were microbubbles. After closer inspection I realized the tank is filled with white, microscopic animals - to the point where the h2o is somewhat cloudy. I find that kind of cool..I don't know what the heck they are and I hope they don't lead to some abysmal disaster, but it's neat nonetheless.
Prior to this post, I referenced Fenner's "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist", pg 134, and read his piece on Diatoms & Dinoflagellates. Unfortunately, I didn't find what I was searching for - an explanation of what my new, microscopic friends are called and diagnosis of their benefits..or some gross nail biting "Now you've done it" scenario.
I'd appreciate some feedback on what these are, what they will do and if I need to take some very expensive "ER" type of action. Thank you.

bang guy

All bets are off with anew tank. I really wouldn't be concerned at all. There's just no predicting which species of protist, plant, or animal is going to dominate until a tank becomes stable.
Just continue to use good water for water changes and enjoy looking for cool looking animals.


I'm in the same position you are. I'm about 2 weeks into my cycle on my first tank. I have the same white specks floating around and are on my glass. I hope they are something good. Its nice to see life in there.
I hope someone can identify them.


Yeah, they are probably copepods. I have a billion of them in my refugium... Sometimes, they can really fog the glass up after I haven't cleaned in a while... Nothing to really worry about. They are pretty beneficial...