Diatoms? what can i do


is this diatoms? my tank is fairly new(about a couple monts ago i started to cycle) this brown stuff has been in there since my lvls started coming down from the cycle. my ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are around <.25, .25 and 20 after a water change. i also switched from tap to ro/di. is there anything i can do or do i jus have to wait it out.(seems like a long time already)



Mine did the same thing after about a week. I was told to use a turkey baster to flush it out of the sand and off of the lr and that the bloom was normal. It worked for me, but I am new to salt and some of the experts on here may have better ideas and reasons why.


I’m pretty sure your diatom bloom was caused by your tapwater less than 1% of the tapwater in the US is clean enough to mix straight from the tap. Your starter water was probably high in silicates and phosphates (diatom food). It will take 3 to 6 months for your new DI/RO water will start to take effect.

aztec reef

Active Member
Rain, I would do a large water change with ro/di then keep up with regular water changes with ro/di and just ride it out...


Just wait it out, all new tanks look like that. Plus if your levels of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are still above 0 than it is still cycling. don't do a water change that will likely start the cycle over again. When you started your cycle did you put a couple of dead shrimp in the tank to start the cycle?


I have a minor diatom outbreak...mostly on my glass. Picked up a couple of black turbo snails and they are slowly cleaning it.


i used a dead shrimp for like 2 days to start the cycle. i did do a big water change 2 wks ago when i switched over, no signs of it cycling again(hopefully it wont). i got 5 turbo snails and this morning they did a good job at moving the sand around.
thank all of you for your input it's greatly appreciated. i now feel more confident about whats goin on in my tank.