

SO I was told that the brown stuff on my sand is Diatoms. Can I get a chemical to kill it or what do I do? WIll hermit crabs or something like that eat it? It really looks unattractive in the tank and I wanna get rid of it ASAP. Any help is appreciated


Active Member
Itll go away over time. Hows your water parameters? Type of light? filtration? Maybe we can find a way to get rid of them faster.


Active Member
forgot to ask how long has your tank been set up and how old are your bulbs and what type of water are you using?


im using a basic fluorescent light that came with the tank. Its been set up for about 8 weeks. The guy at the pet store said all my levels were ok. At one time my nitrates were high but then I installed a Protein skimmer and that seemed to have leveled off. Could it be the lighting?


Your tank is a new set-up. It is normal to have algae breakout while the tank matures. Be pacient, it pays off at the end.


The diatoms will subside in a few days
Then if yours is like mine was then you get the nice green algae
and maybe a little cyano
But with paitence they all will subside


Active Member
I dont think you would like cyano...itll take over your tank...When your tank matures a little or when your parameters are in line then you should get a clean up crew. They will aid you on keeping your sand clean.