Dicytoa the losing battle


New Member
Im losing a battle to the carib algae from hell.
Tank info:
75gal reefready
440 vho bulbs around 4 months old
15gal fuge with various macro algae's and a 3 inch SB
lights run 24/7 in fuge and 10 hrs in display
tank age: 5 months
100+lbs of mostly figi with a few pieces of carib
5-10 gallon water changes weekly
The only nutrients entering are a blend of mysis and scallops enriched with mysis for my fish and an occasional feeding of flake
Bio load: maroon clown, blue spotted watchman, lawnmower blennie, scooter blennie, a locally caught gobie
None of my emeralds touch it. I tried a yellow tang but it died for unknown reasons and I have yet to try another. Scarlet and blue hermits dont eat it either.
The current method im trying is harvesting as much as I can and adding it to my fuge. Weekly waterchanges havent made a dent. I literally harvested a ball the size of a grapefruit over the weekend. This stuff is growing everywhere to the points its smothering everything.
Has anyone beat this algae? If so, please help.

debbie g

It may help if you don't keep your lights on as long. Since you don't have any corals, try cutting back your lights about 4 hours. (You probably can keep them off entirely for 3 days, but see what more experienced people have to say about that). Just leave your fuge light on. I was getting very discouraged too, but I cut my lights back, added the lmb and lots of nassarius and cerith snails, four mexican turbo snails, and now I see a huge difference. I also took the rocks out and scrubbed them with a toothbrush. Let us know if this helps. Also, are you running a protein skimmer? THAT is probably the best thing you can do.


New Member
It looks like I forgot to mention my corals. I have a few softies, one small frogspawn frag, and some Zoa's
I've pulled the rocks before and scrubbed but a little over 3/4 of the tank is covered. It would be a "MASSIVE" undertaking plus there is no garuntee it would clear it all.
My skimmer is my next upgrade. I have one but it barely pulls anything.
Im almost to the point of pulling all corals and shutting the lights off for a month. The only issue with that is the fact that I dont have another tank set up to hold everything.
Hopefully moving a large volume of this stuff to the sump will stutnt or stop its growth in the display. This method worked with other nuisance macro's so im keeping my fingers crossed.
On a good note, I have no aptasia, hair algae, or cyano