New Member
I recently starting trying to get a mate for my clownfish. I got two from the same pet store at different times, each died within 3 days. My water is o.k., so I just thought the clowns came from a bad place, my clownfish has stopped eating since each of his "friends" death. Tonight I went and got him one from a different place, better, just more expensive, and as soon as I put him in, after floating for 20 minutes, my clown came out, that's when I noticed a sore on his side, I've seen this before in pet stores and I know that the fish usually die, I have a small QT. He was also a little jerky, anyway, I treated the water with greenx and the salinity is a little low, I panicked, did I do the right thing, he seems to not be jerky now, and has slowed down a bit, he seems better after just 30 minutes. Please help me.