Did I just make a mistake?


I have had a green algae growth on the floor of my DSB for about two months now. Yesterday I was doing a water change and I got tired of seeing all the crap so I decided to get rid of the problem. I was going to scoop out the clumps of green algae with a net. Well, I did and the algae was like carpet. It was matted really bad and I just kept scooping it up.
I just did this on one side, but I took a lil bit of sand with me. I was wondering if this was a bad idea. I have had the algae for so long I just wanted to get rid of it. I was told by alot of people that it will just go away, but it never did. I have more on the left side of my tank that I have not touched. What should I do? Did I ruin the DSB?

marine qa

I dont believe you ruined your DSB or even caused very much damage. Moreover, I'm sure your not the first to remove algae with some attached sand from your tank.
I would not remove any more algae in this way though. You dont want to remove portions of or disturb the DSB unless necessary.
As you probably know green algae is only a symptom of some errant water conditions, but most of the time it will go away by itself over time. I had green algae on my sand and rocks for several months before it finally went away.