Did it Work


Yes I GOT A PICTURE ON HERE...........Just wanted to see what you think of this pic......not the best but i cant figuare out how to resize to 500x500 pics and have the pic still look good :notsure: anyway it took me about an hour to get this on so i thought i would try and post it


Active Member
It worked!! A W E S O M E tank!!! How about some tank specs and more pics???
*drool* *drool*


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
that fish that's staring at the bottom looks like a clown trigger. tell me if i'm wrong
That's a Sailfin Tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
:notsure: it's yellow though :notsure:
Yep...he's got a real nice one. Its a Sailfin Tang...I'll bet you A N Y T H I N G you want.


Active Member
youve never seen a little yellow in sailfin tangs? red sea have them more though. I LOVVVVVE THAT TANK HOW MANY GALLONS?


Sailfin Tang
Heres my Watchman
Its is a 60 gallon antique tank, meaning before it was mine it had mice housed in it, rabbits,snakes and probly birds for all i know........wanting to get 125 gallon but i live in third story of appartment building
better to wait and get a house with a basement


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
in the 1st pic it looks like there is some fungus on the tail is there or was there?
saltwater on the glass..


Do you have an occ. or a perc? It looks like there is one near the surface in the first pic, and then you have a pair of tomatoes?. How did you do this? Is there any aggression?


I have a pretty big perc 3-3.5 in. Got a anemone for him and he didnt like it so i tried 2 cinnamon clowns and they loved it..........Their really wasnt any aggression between them except at first when the perc went by the anemone and the cinnamon would chase him out