did my anemones eat my clown


I've had my bta for a week now, I decieded to add another perc so that I would have two. Anyways I was watching the new clown he was in the anemones lastnite after light was off. HOOORAAAYYYY
I thought, I've been waiting for a while to get that in my tank. Woke up this morning and the new perc was gone cannot see him at all. I have around 100-150lbs of LR for him to hide in ,but is it possible for the bta to have devoured him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by the___jest
I've had my bta for a week now, I decieded to add another perc so that I would have two. Anyways I was watching the new clown he was in the anemones lastnite after light was off. HOOORAAAYYYY
I thought, I've been waiting for a while to get that in my tank. Woke up this morning and the new perc was gone cannot see him at all. I have around 100-150lbs of LR for him to hide in ,but is it possible for the bta to have devoured him?

is it possible yes it is possible for anenomes to eat clowns evev if its the host.clowns have a special slime coating unlike other species of fish this enables them to swim freely through the normally stinging tenticles, if the clown loses this protective slime coating its volnerable to the sting just like any other fish.however if you added a smaller clown the the tank to be kept with the other the larger would be more likely to show aggression towards the necommer making him hide for safety .if by chance the new clown is still there just keep and eye out for him.in his stressed state he is also more volnerable to becomming pray to other tank members or unknown hitchikers.


I found him under a rock dead. I guess the other fish did'nt take to him that well. I'm really discouraged now I finally got a fish and an anemones to do their thing and then he gets killed. I watched him for about a half an hour lastnite he seem to be doing good with the anemones. The clown that I've had for a year now was really showing him/herself but nothing to aggressive though. I'm thinking my niger trigger or yellow tail blue are to blame. What can I do to get another clown, get one that is bigger than the other clown that way the other tankmates would not be as prone to pick on him?


Do not get a bigger clown then you have now. More than likely, if you've had it for a year, your current clown is already a female. If you find a larger one it my also be a female which would make for a very agressive time in your tank. Once they make the change from Juvy to male to Female there is no going back. So more than likely two large specimens will be females. You are actually better off getting another small one and trying it again. Some say the smaller the better because it will cower to the larger female sooner and the female showing her domiance will not be a long or as fatal. Good Luck.


If I get anything small like what got killed it will be doomed for sure, I might just have to trade in the one I have now and try to get a pair that would not become punching bags for the other's in the tank. I just hate to trade him off he is like a part of the fam.


Active Member
heres my thoughts on this suject if you trade in your old fish your taking a risk of getting 2 fish that have less of a chance ,than the one have already.I have had up to 3 marroon clowns in one anenome something i was told and read was not possible .each introduced at different times smallest added first largest last i added the new fish away from the anenome it found its way on its own the med size being aprox 2 inch the largest over 3 inches already darker in coloring than the other and def female one the 3rd was taken out of the picture(lion got it) the smaller left behind became brighter in coloration becomming the male( i do believe) but the smallest one now was once the larger of the first pair.gsm and large maroon left.the reason you add a larger to the tank is to discourage the previous clown from attacking it they are less apt to attack a larger fish and the larger newcommer has not developed territory as of yet