Did my new powerhead suck up a fish?


New Member
I just added a new powerhead to my tank, and we had to move around my live rock in order to do so...this morning I found a fish stuck to the intake...my lights weren't set to come on yet, so the moonlights were on...the other fish were down low on the sand and acting weird...what do fish act like when they are sleeping or resting..? Any andvice?


Active Member
Well.. what kinda pump was it? Also what kind of fish? Unless its some industrial sized pump or something a fish usually wont get sucked into one... unless its sick and just too weak to fight off the intake.
Fish act differently sleeping depending on the fish. Some fish lay on the bottom. Some find a hole or crevice in a rock and hang out there. Clowns like to sleep in their anemones, wiggling around at first... in a deep sleep they hardly move though. Some fish continue swimming around while asleep. Some sharks like hammerheads must continue moving even while sleeping to avoid dying from not being able to breathe.