did some aquascaping earlyer today


I did some changes to my 10 gal nano today, first of all I got some new corals I bought a rock with 3 real nice rics geat size too! also I bought star polyp colony and a piece of fox coral. Tell me what you guys think of the new way I set up my rock and stuff.
old look (fyi the angel in the pics is now living in my cousins 100 gal tank ;)

new look ( kind a hard to see stuff but rics are in the bottom left of tank star polyps top left and the fox coral is in the center, looks 100 better in person plus im bad with cameras)



Looks good. Aquascaping can be such a pain!! btw... do I see the angel peeking out from the lower right in the pic w/new look?? Now that the angel is gone... what fish are you planning to add??


Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
Looks good. Aquascaping can be such a pain!! btw... do I see the angel peeking out from the lower right in the pic w/new look?? Now that the angel is gone... what fish are you planning to add??
That angel is in the last pic. under the rock.


Originally Posted by hot883
That angel is in the last pic. under the rock.
That's what I thought.... I have a bad habit of pointing things out in a question format!!


lol well I delivered the fish after I took the pic of the new "look", as far as fish all I have atm is a citron goby and a yellow headed sleeper goby I was thinking of either keeping it that way or I'm not shure what do you think? but I'll tell you what In about a month I will be adding 2 crocea clams and I think 3 more corals so I dunno what fish to add in what fish do you guys think would look good in my tank? btw thanks for the comments


btw do you guys see the pincers of my purple lobster in the last pic just to the left of the angel in the bottom right cave? That lobster has the funniest personality.