Did Somebody Eat My Goby?



I have a 10 gallon nano that is home to a pistol shrimp and watchman goby. I recently purchased a tiny clowgoby for my 58 gallon tank. I asked before I bought him if it would be okay to put in my 10 gallon for isolation purposes before putting him in the big tank. I was told yes that the watchman and pistol would hang out in the bottom of the tank while the clowngoby would be up towards the top. That was 3 days ago and I've not seen him since the second day. I took the LR out of the nano tonight and looked carefully everywhere in the tank.......No clowngoby to be found anywhere! Would or could the pistol shrimp or watchman kill and eat him? TIA


Didn't jump out.....I have the little tank on a built in desk in the kitchen. I looked behind the tank as well as on the floor and no body......


does your LR have allot of little holes somethin he coulda wedged himself into to hide
OR he could have passed on and the pistol thought of him as a snack after the fact


Active Member
I ATE HIM!!! just joking of course :p
If it disappeared 3 days ago, and you think maybe it died and the shrimp then consumed him, I would suggest testing your ammonia level. If a fish died in a 10 gallon and 3 days later was no where to be found I think you would see ammonia spike up.
Just a thought.


I have 2 clown gobies and they NEVER swim at the top. In fact they are always hiding amongst the live rock... They are cool 'cause I DON'T see them all the time... almost like a bonus when I do. I thought both of mine had died until about amonth later when they "appeared" again. I now see them only when I feed or at night when they are prowling for pods.
Try sneaking up on the tank at night with a red light... you may find it perched on a peice of rock or glass stalking its next meal.
Or check the shrimp poo. Just kidding.


Thanks for the suggestions guys:) I did check my amonia and it was 0. There are a few little holes in the the rock but I took the rock out for inspection and saw nothing. Maybe he's in there hiding and will show up later to surprise me. Hope so, as he was a cute little guy! I'll let you know if he shows up......


Active Member
This is the primary reason I was told not to get a clown goby. I really wanted one and a very trusted guy at one of my lfs' said they are cool fish, but I would rarely see him. Seems they are notorious hiders


If he never shows up I think I'll get a little clown instead. I know they are always out in the open:) Still, it bothers me that he's now where to be found!