Did this come from a lion fish?


I have 2 dwarf lions as the only fish in my 40g tank. Last night I noticed the Zebra Dwarf make a very fast striking type move and a bunch of clearish/white mucus looking "sheets" of phlegm type stuff came off of him (I think they came off of him; I was in my recliner at the time so I can't be positive). Is this fish poo? Some kind of excretion? It settled out after about 10 mins. Is this cause for concern?


Active Member
If it clear and filmy, it is actually the fish shedding some outer mucus. This is common with lionfish as both of mine do it. There's no reason to be concerned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltFan
And the other fishies will eat the goo.
Well they will try to at least. I have never seen any of my fish actually ingest it once they put it in their mouth. They always seem to spit it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well they will try to at least. I have never seen any of my fish actually ingest it once they put it in their mouth. They always seem to spit it out.
My clarki goes after this stuff everytime he sees it. Got me, but he must like it.