Did this ever happen to you?


OK try this one on for size.
I cylced my tank to all 0 levels except Nitrates at 20 ppm. Then I did a H2O change of 20% all good. Then I added snails, crabe, GARF grunge and moved some LR around in anticipation of fish. Oh yeah and I fresh water sprayed one rock to get out a mantis (when I did that I disturbed a mass of yellow goo, sponge maybe?). Did another 10% H2O change b/c the Nitrates were at 10 ppm. Well now my ammonia is on the rise! .25 yesterday, now .5. Nitrites 0, Nitrates 20 ppm, pH 8.2, salinity 1.022-1.023 Temp 80.
VAS ES DAS?!? I have called the company and put a hold on the 2 schooling banner fish till we spike out again.
Any ideas? Comments? Advice?
I am hoping for a fish to be in this water box by thanksgiving, but I will not put them where they will get harmed. I do have a protien skimmer and a tower in the sump.
Not too happy.
Crabby Crabbypants:mad: :mad:


Sometimes when you disturb your substrate, especially in a newer setup, your ammonia will rise, and you'll get another "mini-cycle". I learned the hard way. Sorry it happened to you. Try not to disturb your sand bed too much. Also, if you killed the Mantis, and didn't get him out, that could cause an ammonia spike. HTH


I would say you are going through a mini cycle again, I have always found that it is best to let the tank sit for at least a month after the cycle before adding fish, let every thing settle down and make sure the tank is stable first.