Did you all set your clocks back



Reason I ask is that I am seeing a few posts that are in my timezone of EDT and some of them are an hour earlyer than my postings...Some of you may want to check your computer clocks..I know it should be automatic..but ah...... check it.


Hmmm. There you see my post says 4:06 and its now 3:06 here in Michigan....Perhpas it is this site right now.


No. Funny story about that. We didn't and I have a paper route to do, and I woke up when I thought it was 6 but it was actually 5!! So, I get back, and a friend who also has one calls and leaves a message saying that he needs sunday bags for the papers, and when he stopped over he was like "man you guys are up bright and early!" And we were like, no were not, and he was like its 6:30...and we were like oh crap!! We forgot to set the clocks back...


Staff member
I think its the forums. Perhaps we have to do it ourselves in the user options.


Active Member
You know what is odd is that I show that you posted this "Yesterday 8:06 PM". As of this writing it is 6:00 PM in CA. LTS's post is today at 12:54 AM. It has been that way ever since they did the change over of the board.


Active Member
Never mind, thanks to Beth's idea I looked around and found a place where I can set what time zone I am in. Turns out I was on Grenich time all along.


Active Member
Nice choice Scotts. I went with the Eastern USA time zone and a side of DST settings always off. WOrks for me.


I got back from the bar around 4 oclock so my body was thinking it was 5... well i didnt set my clock back and got too work two hours early ( i usually go about an hour early) well i worked on 3 hours of sleep from 8 30am - 1130pm... ehh im tired.