died clown


Well both of my percula clowns are died. I tested he water yesterday at LFS and everyhting is perfect. The only thing a little high is phospates and they are near to none now.
could high phosphates kill the clowns? When I added them in 2weeks ago they seemed healthy and fine. My nitrites were a bit high not much though.
The LFS said based on my water I can get more fish. So Im very confused!


I'm going to take a long stab here... do you have a heater and is it possibly cracked and you don't know it? If the water reading is good both clowns shouldn't die for no reason. 1 dead fish for an odd reason is okay but not 2. Do you have a hydrometer that has a built in thermometer? It could have gotten bumped by a fish, hit the bottom, and cracked releasing mercury in the water. Maybe your water temperature is too high or too low. Your tank getting enough air back in the water?


Active Member
I would definately find out what went wrong before buying more fish. Your lfs may be very nice folks, but they are in business to sell stuff, so be warned.
Sorry for your losses.


Active Member
"My nitrites were a bit high not much though."
Nitrites in any concentration can kill fish.


No heater in my tank. The tank stays at 77 degree's.
The nitrites increased after I added the fish. However 5 days later I had the water tested again and back down to 0.
Thanks anyways.


It could be any number of things: disease, toxins in the water (natural or foreign), lack of O2. How long were the fish in your tank before they died? How did they appear prior to their death? Did you QT? How long has your tank been up and running? What else is in the tank?
I had 3 clowns die at once. Everything else is fine and the other fragile fish and corals were florishing. I am convinced that there is a Clown only disease that is very deadly and very contagious. This is just my theory. Im being serious, by the way!!! :)


I just read your past posts. Sounds to me like your percs did not survive your cycle -- as your tank has been set up for less than 3 weeks. I doubt that your tank cycled in 3 days, as your fish store informed you. My guess is that either the dieoff from the live rock killed your fish, or it stressed them to the point where they contracted a disease that killed them off.
Don't worry about testing phosphates right now -- use RO water, and your phosphate problems should be minimal. Instead, buy (or use if you already own one) a testing kit and monitor nitrate, nitrite and ammonia every day. Don't add any more fish. After your tank has tested zero for nitrites and ammonia for a week, do a 20% water change and then add 1-2 small fish. A 2 1/2 week old 29g tank with uncured live rock is simply a hazardous environment for fish.