dieing turbos


New Member
hello everyone new to the site but read often. I have a 75g that has been running since dec. but I keep losing turbos there shells are empty and there are disk next to them. i have 1 yellow tang , 2 green chromis 1 lawn mower blenny 1 emerald crab. lfs said my saltwas to low so i incr it to 1.024 and bought more but it is still happening any ideas


Active Member
what kind of turbos? from what i've read, Mexican turbos like cooler temps than what most aquarists keep there tanks. and from my experience, all snails will die fairly quickly when whatever food they eat runs out.


Yeah, I seem to have that problem lately too. I checked and double checked my water conditions... and everything seems to be good. Nothing else in my tank is showing any problems. I have a handful in there that have been in there for over a year and recently purchased a batch that were acclimated for about three hours. I have already had three of the new ones kick it after about two weeks. And it's only the turbos too. The other snails that I got are doing fine. Are there any hichhikers that like turbo snails? Sorry, Pipes... not trying to hijack your thread. Just hoping someone may be able to offer a common solution or explanation.
Turbo snails like high salinity levels around .023 or.024 and needs to be acclimated very well. I usually give them a couple hours!


Yes most lfs seem to keep thier salinity lower than home tanks so they can take up to three hrs to drip acclimate.


thats funny i run my tank at 83 degrees and just throw the mexican turbos in. Just messing round, My turbos seem do be doing fine and I have yet to have any problems.