diff. between blue and green chromis ???


New Member
i saw some blue chromis at the local fish store. but i cant find any info on the net about them...only found info on green chromis. is there a difference?


I think the colour is the only difference.... But I'm not too sure. If its for cycling your tank, they both would work. And both school. Sorry I don't know more.
and welcome to the board


New Member
yes,ty. i just bought 1 at lfs. its an awesome blue color. i paid 15.00 for it. looks like him and my tomato clown are getting along just fine.. do you think i can add another one to my tank? its a 20 gallon hex w/ liverock and crushed coral. he is twice the size of my tomato clown. these are only 2 fish i have in the tank. if i add another will it be too much? what is best think to feed these fish? lfs said flake food is fine but what else can i feed them thats cheap and easy?
Ive got 6 green chromis in my tank for the schooling affect. Ive heard conflicting stories about how big they grow. Anyone know?
I got two Tomato clowns too.


Active Member
The main difference is the blue one is from the Carribbean and the green one is from the south pacific area. The green ones can get up to 3.5 inches long but 1.5 inches is more common.


both blue and green chromis can be from the carib. In the wild they can both grow up to 4 inches. The main difference is where they live. The green chromis is an open water fish that likes to live in mid water, while the blue chromis on the other hand seldom goes more than a few feet above the reef. Both tend to live in huge schools sometimes numbering in the hundreds :) Other than that. . . . i think the blues look better. IMO.


New Member
hey von thanks for the info... can you answer me as to if i can put 1 more blue chromi in my tank with the clown and other blue chromi? its a small tank so i dont want to crowd them.(20 gallon hex) with about 7 lbs. of live rock