differance between ocenonic and Aguapod

old rookie

New Member
reading the different comments I am to understand the Oceanic 29 gallon is really 24 gallons. Is the Aguapod 24 gallon a true 24 or more like 19 gallons.
Are the lighting in this similiar


Well when I purchased a 12 gal aquapod and filled it to the rim of the tank I was suprised to find that it only held 10 gallons. The reason I think it doesn't hold as many gallons as it says it does is b/c of the back. The water is not able to fully get back there- what I mean is that there is 3 different parts back there, ea. lable to hold xamount of water ea. taking away a a couple of gallons!


Hey Rookie...I have the 29 biocube and if you do a search for my posts you can check out my progress so far. Its only been about 10 days since it has been up and running though. I am happy with mine