difference between rics and shrooms?


I was thinking of fragging one of my rics and i havent done it before is it just like shrooms? it'll be my first time fragging to what method would u recomend is the most succesful?
Also i have some star polyps and there is hair alage growing on it and i try to pull it off but it just comes back any suggestions?


Originally Posted by nycbob
for the ric, just cut it where the mouth is.
what do u mean like in half? or cut just the mouth off? i'm very nervous because i've never done fragging.


ok so first i cut the shroom off the stalk then i cut the shroom in half then i put it in a container with live rock rubble then i cover it with a mesh like thing?


Active Member
yes. but u dont hv to cut off its stark. just try to cut it close to its mouth as possible.


Active Member
its hard to mess up fraggins shrooms and the lieks, they're invincible, except i lost some cuz the current took them to the back before i secured them on rock, so i have small mushrooms in the back of my tank now :(


thanks for the help, also one more question i have a cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp, when i put the shroom in wouldnt the shrimps pick at it? Just like they pick at wounds and stuff?


Originally Posted by tat2tillidie
my shrimps never touch my shrooms when i frag them. i just leave them on the rock then cut it in half and sometimes i do it in four and they do good no prob healing. if you would like to see a video on fragging (reefkprz) on here has some good vids
well my shrimps are pretty mean
i just saw both of my shrimps picking on one of my baby hermits
Also i cant find the vids