Difference between wet/dry and refugium?


Is there a benifit over the other? I was looking into getting a sump/overflow system setup in my 55g. But someone told me a CPR Bak-Pak 2 Protein Skimmer would work well too.. thoughts?
I am not sure the benifits of this over an overflow/sump setup.


Well what I am starting to learn is that later on the bioballs could cause a rise in nitrates, something like a sump you could use cheato that actually feeds on nitrates But dont take it from me im still learning!


Active Member
dont get the cpr overflow w/1 giant 'u' .. they are know to SUCK.. loose syphone and not start up again in power outage.. i think lifereef is a good one.. ( not 100% but as i recall) the difference in weyfry and fuge are big.. wet dry uses bioball and as water trickle over it they breakdown the water of "bad stuff" the bacteria thrive in the bio balls due to it's huge surface area that is in contact w/air.. a fuge on the other hand ( depending on how it is setup) uses the more of a natural approach to "cleaning the water'... when a DBS ( seep sand bed.. ie. when you have a collum of sadn 8'' or more) o2 is not present at the deeper lvls and a different type of bacteria forms and assist in the breakdown... to further the bacteria people grow a variety of plant (cheato to name one ) in which "feeds" off pollutant in the water to grow...
don't know if this allowed but imma try it anyhow..
if that don't work.. try this.. just look around at melev's pag and you will learn soo much..